sarcasm, again.

do you think it's okay to be sarcastic to your lecturer?

i mean, i'm not worrying about whether she'll get it or not, because she definitely will, rather, it's about whether it's appropriate or not.

see, i got an unidentified sms requesting a meeting with the sender about a couple of minutes ago. and in situations like this i usually reply affirmative, with an added, "and you are...?"
now this is me being polite. as you can see i'm pretty well brought up. =)

however, if i were my usual self, i would probably have typed, "well it helps a lot if you could identify yourself so i know whose room to go to...?"

and i was in the midst of typing the latter message when the imperative question of decorum popped up.

is this okay? is this not okay?

granted, lecturer and student ties may have gotten increasingly close (too close) but they're not your best friends aren't they? so a mini tug-o-war ensued, but politeness won.

and in retrospect, i guess that was what i really should have done. score one for my mindful, immaculate courtesy! lol.

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