who says Singaporeans don't like to challenge themselves, bring themselves out of their comfort zone?
try being part of a 21-person group in a 20-person elevator. You can't hear it, but our hearts are collectively saying, "YES WE DID IT! WOO HOO!"
"and we'll try again tomorrow."

never thought i'd end up in the same boat
try being part of a 21-person group in a 20-person elevator. You can't hear it, but our hearts are collectively saying, "YES WE DID IT! WOO HOO!"
"and we'll try again tomorrow."

never thought i'd end up in the same boat
tats a very nice photo! its looks as if the fishies were surprised the tin was opened. Nicceee. Hehe
It's not only Singaporeans. Apparently Malaysians (more aptly, KLers are like that too!) In fact, worse. Wait till you get on buses in KL during peak hours.