online relationships

in my warped opinion i think "relationships" is one of the most cliche and boring topics i can talk about as a diary entry.

but in today's case it'll be about online relationships, which - i think - puts a whole new spin on this otherwise insipid subject.

so, hands up any one of my loyal readers who has had an online fling before?

so what of them?

a lot of us have been really wary of engaging in an online thingy simply because of the numerous warnings about people being closet nymphos or a wolf wearing sheep's clothing or whatever.

and i'd say they're about half right but it really isn't necessary to overreact when it comes to things like that. are most people overreacting?
yes i'd like to think so.

i think going into an online fling is fun, provided you know where the OB markers lie. do most people know?
no i reckon not.

wait, i'm straying away from my intended path.

what i really want to say is how online relationships differ from normal, real life going-ons.

for starters, it is the physical contact that online rapport obviously cannot provide.

plus, the computer / laptop screens is another apparent barrier to couples seeing each other's real, achne-filled visages.

(though for some people, that is a good thing. sad.)

and as appealing, mushy and affectionate internet couplings can get, there is still that obstacle one cannot overcome unless you physically meet each other, which then changes everything because you're bringing things up a step and actually be a real couple. as in touchy-feely huggy-kissy fucky-screwy.

i mean, he can be scowling, smirking, laughing his head off at you
but he types a cute smiley, or a hugging smiley, or a smiling smiley and you believe in him. you lap it all up.

which is really sad because this guy's having his way with you and you are still completely besotted. like he's screwing you over and over again and you let him.

i think that's the greatest downside to internet relationships.

i know they're not all wolves and toads out there, that there're actually nice princes and all one's gotta do is look.

easier said than done. well, most things are.

moving on.

school starts tomorrow. aren't i excited. -yawn-

oh and, i did mention this in previous post.

my top 5 movies of 2003:
1. Finding Nemo
2. Catch Me If You Can
3. Chicago
4. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
5. School of Rock

return of the king's at 4th spot because it deserves to be there. it was too draggy. so there.
plus, there's a lot of other movies not yet released in singapore, like mystic river, lost in translation, etc.

and next, top 5 english albums:
1. Elephant by the White Stripes
2. Hail to the Thief by Radiohead
3. Make up the Breakdown by hot hot heat
4. Songs about Jane by Maroon 5
5. Fever to Tell by yeah yeah yeahs

and there you have it. i'd really have liked to include muse's absolution, the rapture's echos, the shins' chutes too narrow, jane's addiction's strays and cat power's you are free but i haven't had a chance with 'em.

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