everyday i report to this unassuming vintage PC running a windows xp platform on 1mb of memory. at least, that's what it feels like. terrible, isn't it?
well you can see the entire workspace: computer, keyboard, cpu's hidden underneath the table (doubling up as a competent footrest), and note the two mice i have on my mousepad.
now i have the privilege of saying, "point your mice to this, point your mice to that." haha. yay for me! i was hunting around the office for a replacement mouse with a scrolly wheel and found one conveniently using the universal usb connection. it was to my surprise when i discovered both could work when simultaneously plugged in. (no, it doesn't mean i have two cursors running about on my screen)
great way to play minesweeper, i reckon.

ooohhhhh, look at that ice mountain sitting on the left! i'm so thankful this isn't the "Learning Place", else edmund will have a flip. haha.
my table is so bare. i need to accessorise my workspace.
well you can see the entire workspace: computer, keyboard, cpu's hidden underneath the table (doubling up as a competent footrest), and note the two mice i have on my mousepad.
now i have the privilege of saying, "point your mice to this, point your mice to that." haha. yay for me! i was hunting around the office for a replacement mouse with a scrolly wheel and found one conveniently using the universal usb connection. it was to my surprise when i discovered both could work when simultaneously plugged in. (no, it doesn't mean i have two cursors running about on my screen)
great way to play minesweeper, i reckon.

ooohhhhh, look at that ice mountain sitting on the left! i'm so thankful this isn't the "Learning Place", else edmund will have a flip. haha.
my table is so bare. i need to accessorise my workspace.
for a moment there i thought there will be 2 cursors.
oh well, there goes my dream of beating my friend's high score.
you know those clicking games?
YA! They give you lousy computers to use. Space only like 1+GB. Wah liew...how to do work? Halfway hang. Be glad that you got one with windows XP. That time I got one with windows 98 and was awfully slow.
haha, wld it be better if u had 2 cursors? a bit weird la,
win98? was i born then? =S
like those click the bubble games or something like that?
the faster you click the more you click the higher your score.
oh well. only i play those games i guess.