The discount carrot was dangled

i had, for the longest time, considered switching telcos. not that my current plan isn't any good or that i wasn't happy in any way with singtel's service. i just thought starhub offered a more value-for money plan. hey, more (talktime) for less (money), who don't want?

my hesitation, for the longest time, was that one had to fork out $5 for starhub's monthly callerID subscription, which i think is a complete waste of money. $5, on its own, isn't a hell lot. $5, on its own, can be considered small change at times. i just think that i, as a consumer, shouldn't be paying for callerID at all. i think it should come free! which just summed up why i had stuck with singtel for so long.

anyway, i was on the verge of changing after april's subscription, when i got my bill yesterday. guess what? singtel has decided to grant me loyalty discounts, which reduces my monthly bill to a cool $26 (if i keep within my limits)!

so i'll be sticking to singtel... for now. haha, pardon my cheapo-ness.

p.s. i have about 40 gmail invites. do contact me if you want them. i'm looking to close down this gmail account so do not want the invites to go to waste. :)

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