more advertisements

i believe TODAY hasn't had a proper front page - with actual content and not ads masquerading as news - since.... well, 1983.

it's gotten to the point that they just look blase instead of "hey that's new". you think? now it's more like "so what's new?"

what's new?

i wish Gillette could do the same to TODAY

sorry for all the TODAY-bashing, but i think mediacorp should just stick to what they do best: produce sitcoms like phua chu kang. (of course "what they do best" doesn't mean they do it well, for PCK is hardly funny. oh, hardly? try never.)

ironically, i am a mediacorp supporter, if you put mediaworks into the picture. but now mediaworks is gone, so... heh.

i don't understand why our local broadcaster is still stubbornly trying to produce local content when the expenditure could be used to gain foreign programmes (like Desperate Housewives) which are - face the facts - more well-received and anticipated. the best programme to come out of our tiny island, imo, has to be Growing Up, and even their best episodes were before Wee Soon Hui's character had her demise.

anyway, speaking of PCK, have you see his larger-than-life self walking about?

i am pck! hear me roar!

i spotted him at tanjong pagar and dhoby ghaut trying to lure kids. never mind the lack of kids at those places but it is cute anyway. haha.

4 Responses to “more advertisements”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    The pic looks weird. Like PCK is floating.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Again...forgot to sign off.


  3. # Blogger None

    u bought the shaver? how is it?  

  4. # Blogger Fei

    You are right. Those sitcoms are not even funny. I rather watch foreign shows (but not "days of our lives") Too soapy!  

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