happy birthday to boss-oss! pickles was decided upon by way of majority vote, so pickles it was. we got the second girl to turn 20 among us the very cute and mersmerizing flip flap, among other things.
we're getting better at birthdays, i think. eight celebrations per year certainly make for adroit planners. did i mentioned how cute flip flap is?
rest of pictures here. or leave a comment if you want the full, unedited set (for selected parties only, you guys know who you are)
Haha...the flip flap was moving its leaves happily this morning. And it will continue to do so every morning/daytime.
Thanks for it!
it's not a good idea for me to have a flip flap or hidamari no tami (did i get it right?), i wouldn't be able to get any work done.
i'm a bad enough procrastinator as it is. ;)
Haha 20 small candles. Skarli the whole cake on fire.
let's try! nad's bday is next! i shall be in charge of buying the cake! hahaha...