you wouldn't be surprised if i were to proclaim shopping as one of my favourite activities, as long as it isn't at Borders, ok.
i love shopping alone. there isn't anyone to make you go into shops you don't or hardly ever step into, and you don't have worries about staying out too late or whether your company minds you running your own errands as well.
last week i was at the heeren while waiting for time to pass, i stepped into two small shops (heeren got big shops meh?). service was good and attentive, monday afternoon dictates that people have to go to work so the mall was pretty empty.
i tried clothes at two of them small shops. both salesgirls asked me, while i was still in the changing room, "is the size ok?", "is the size ok?"
i don't know about you but this pretty much irritates me. it makes them seem like those pesky, sticky, and eerily-polite girls you see in far east. i don't want to have to answer them, but it seems pretty rude to ignore their concerns after they were so nice to me and all that (a good thing about shopping during non-peak hours).
i'm never quite comfortable in small shops. give me takashimaya anytime.
i love shopping alone. there isn't anyone to make you go into shops you don't or hardly ever step into, and you don't have worries about staying out too late or whether your company minds you running your own errands as well.
last week i was at the heeren while waiting for time to pass, i stepped into two small shops (heeren got big shops meh?). service was good and attentive, monday afternoon dictates that people have to go to work so the mall was pretty empty.
i tried clothes at two of them small shops. both salesgirls asked me, while i was still in the changing room, "is the size ok?", "is the size ok?"
i don't know about you but this pretty much irritates me. it makes them seem like those pesky, sticky, and eerily-polite girls you see in far east. i don't want to have to answer them, but it seems pretty rude to ignore their concerns after they were so nice to me and all that (a good thing about shopping during non-peak hours).
i'm never quite comfortable in small shops. give me takashimaya anytime.
I like to shop alone too. I see, I like then I buy. But I need my wife by my side to control my spending. :)
Yea...sometimes I like to shop alone too. Haha...then people can't see how much I spend on the tons of things people term as "nonsense" or "rubbish".
Also feel less restricted. Coz when you shop with someone, you gotta think about whether you're taking too long in this shop and your friend is getting bored. Or you're dominating the whole shopping trip.
Talking about shopping. I'm itching to get NewS's album le. Plus get a new bag even though I have tons of bags le.
I never never never like pesky, well-meant salesgirls. Grin. If they arent well-meant (sincere), i could be so much nastier to them but because they are so very nice, i find it hard to be bitchy. I dont like those who follow me around the shop especially. I will hop out of the shop as fast as i can.
lancerlord: which means you like shopping alone, but you can't. lol. you're not the only one... :)
boss: buy lah. help our economy.
one little twit: funny how they continue to remain pesky even though so many people hate that trait. :S