Cooking A Home-Cooked Meal, And Giving Up In The Process
5 Comments Published Saturday, 30 July 2005, 7:40 pm
The kind university organised an authentic Australian Bush Walk for us new students today. One hour after setting off, we arrived at this nice bit of forest trail and was taken on a botanic tour, followed by learning how to make indigenous weapons (wanna see my ax?) and then the best part: meeting the baby kangeroos. I forgot what they're called, though my Brisbane housemate knows.
Anyways, I'm starting to feel like I'm on a holiday instead of being here to study. Perth is a beautiful place for retirement, slow and easy - perfect for ye olde folks. :)
Operation Pasta-For-Dinner was a success, well, almost. While I was in the midst of boiling the pasta, my housemates - three out of six of them - entered the kitchen one after the other, extracted microwave dinners from their portion of the fridge, heated them up, and ate. Easy as pie.
All their dinners were done and my pasta wasn't even half cooked. It's a lousy feeling seeing other people pop such fast meals and me, I still have to fry my potatoes and boil my pasta sauce! And in my impatience, I threw in the pasta sauce too early and now I'm eating half-fried potatoes with perfectly boiled pasta while i type this post.
It's such a chore thinking about I want for dinner. Everyday my friends and I ask each other "What's for dinner?" and the answer that immediately follows is a sigh. At least for my case that is. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cooking-adverse, I do like to cook for myself, but sometimes you just want someone else to do the cooking, y'know?
A good thing coming out of cooking for myself is learning to use the right-handed potato/carrot peeler. Utensils at home were mostly ambidextrous but over here, I have since managed to peel three potatos and two carrots right-handed without hurting myself. What a feat eh?!? :)
Anyways, I'm starting to feel like I'm on a holiday instead of being here to study. Perth is a beautiful place for retirement, slow and easy - perfect for ye olde folks. :)
Operation Pasta-For-Dinner was a success, well, almost. While I was in the midst of boiling the pasta, my housemates - three out of six of them - entered the kitchen one after the other, extracted microwave dinners from their portion of the fridge, heated them up, and ate. Easy as pie.

It's such a chore thinking about I want for dinner. Everyday my friends and I ask each other "What's for dinner?" and the answer that immediately follows is a sigh. At least for my case that is. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cooking-adverse, I do like to cook for myself, but sometimes you just want someone else to do the cooking, y'know?
A good thing coming out of cooking for myself is learning to use the right-handed potato/carrot peeler. Utensils at home were mostly ambidextrous but over here, I have since managed to peel three potatos and two carrots right-handed without hurting myself. What a feat eh?!? :)
i dunno what to say abt ur feat. but i think a blog like that wld appear on mine in sept too.
you seem to be enjoying urself there. Plan ur retirement there already? heh heh
isn't a baby kangaroo called joey? *wink wink* :P
and let's see the axe!! haha
looks like you're really a living example of "learning to be independent when studying overseas"!
i miss you, cellmate!!!
stef: Yea I'm enjoying myself, but have no plans for retirement, yet. ;)
sy: No they're called wallabies, lol. My housemate told me. I miss you guys too!
wAH! learn new things everyday le. i thought baby roos are j-o-e-y-s. kekeke
Your friend is right. Baby roos are joeys. Wallabies are not baby roos although they look like.