for the past month my family and neighbour number one have been tolerating the infuriating plant-with-the-protruding-branch neighbour number two has.

see that?!? either you duck beneath the branch or twist into some impressive acrobatic shape to avoid the damm shoot.
but i had a brilliant, beyond brilliant, idea.
i cut the branch away.

there you go! now we can all walk straight without having to resort to back-breaking contortions - not very advisable for an old man like my father.

see that?!? either you duck beneath the branch or twist into some impressive acrobatic shape to avoid the damm shoot.
but i had a brilliant, beyond brilliant, idea.
i cut the branch away.

there you go! now we can all walk straight without having to resort to back-breaking contortions - not very advisable for an old man like my father.
*faints* you cut your neighbour's branch?! perhaps it's her/ his "feng shui shoot". tsk tsk!so mean!!
guys, why the shock? the plant was bothering us!
sy: if it's a feng shui shoot, then cutting it off will being in more feng shui! i'm doing her a favour!
wow..ur neighbour nv complain? seems like dont care about the poor plant if they didnt do tt.
Omg, u deserve 2 die u evil biatch.
i can't wait till yr neighbour knocks on yr door one LATE night and start the war of the feng shui shoot.
HAHAHAHA! You don't have to contort yourself to avoid the branch. You're just plain lazy okaaaay. And it's not a brilliant idea.. It was simply YOU.
Omg, couldn't you have turned the pot to face the other way?! Eee, I don't wanna be your neighbour. What if you find my shoes 'in-the-way' and have them thrown out?!
wait, YOU CUT IT OFF? o_O gosh, does your neighbour know or has s/he realised it yet??
I really have to give it up to you. Fancy you thinking of such "brilliant" ideas all the time. And likewise, I wouldn't want to be your neighbour. *shudders*