would you let a colleague or, im my case, an employee, drive your car without you being in said car?
today we were about to set off for lunch when my boss stepped out of his hyundai getz at the last possible minute and asked "can you drive?"
turns out he had things that warranted a lunch hour spent in the office so he told me to drive my colleague over to lavender market for lunch.
i wouldn't hold that much level of trust in anyone, not even for, say, family members or my boyfriend. it's my car, for god's sake. plus, i wasn't familiar with the jalan besar area, add that to not having driven for quite a long while, i think that makes for quite a big risk, no?
work is just awful. please spare me your comments about how "this industry is like that one" and let me rant, ok? i am still a newbie, i think my complaints are justified. :)
the AE is a big lump of shit ok!
when i first saw him i was pretty pleased, he is a handsome man. working with pleasant-looking people are always, well, pleasant. but now that we are very much behind schedule, he is, in my boss's words, "shitting through his penis". weird choice of phrase, i know, don't ask.
he and his team just can't seem to make up their minds!
"i need this FA in five minutes, can you do it?"
three seconds later,
"oh nevermind, the other zone is more urgent. this FA you just give me tomorrow."
fifteen minutes later,
"hey the FA you give me in ten minutes ok? i need it by today."
and just today, i was doing a series of FA (final artwork) which were to be collected today. a while after completion, the dreaded AE comes down with new measurements for the FA i just did, rendering my time spent completely wasted! wtf!
it's like we're not humans, you know. bloody idiots.
mark lets you drive his car? wahhh shiokkkkkk to the core!! hee hee
sp was also complaining that she's blardy fed up with the AEs. hahaz
hang on, bud!
wowzie. he let ya drive??? o_O