so paiseh i could kill myself, part too-many-to-count
5 Comments Published Friday, 20 May 2005, 11:51 pm
my current work has indeed decreased the vast amount of free time i used to enjoy during the school term. errands now have to be carefully planned and arranged back to back to make full use of every single minute. it's so tiring.
on one of them errands i went back to school to print the posters i'd done up for a work safety poster design contest and to pick up mounting boards, etc, everything i needed for the contest.
so i thought i had everything i needed.
a week after printing i decided to get my butt off the couch and start mounting those posters on the boards, assemble everything needed for submission. it was going fine, actually, til dad came over curiously and started to study my posters.
i looked up, gave dad a smile and said, "that's your helmet i photographed! it used to be white and i made it orange."
dad hmmm-ed, 30 seconds later, he asked "helmet like that spell one meh?"
i froze in that blink-blink-blink pose you always see in cartoons; suddenly, the word "helmet" didn't seem quite right.
(it is spelt corrently in this post, but was actually "helmut" on my posters)
how could i have let this stupid mistake slip out?!? me, the one who can boast of reports not having a single grammatical or spelling error (except for ICM, lol), but spells helmet wrongly and not notice it despite staring at the posters for two days?!?!
i am losing my mind! i am so tired i cannot even notice glaring blunders i used to be able to spot with impressive alacrity (hah)!
i need a vacation (hint).
another one of my silly thoughts about my leaving for perth (again), i shall only tell you guys about the embarrassing ones. i mean, what's the fun in saying "i was thinking about how many sets of clean underwear i have to bring..."?
first it was the hairdryer incident, then on monday night i told my mum, "do you think they have Desperate Housewives in perth?"
on one of them errands i went back to school to print the posters i'd done up for a work safety poster design contest and to pick up mounting boards, etc, everything i needed for the contest.
so i thought i had everything i needed.
a week after printing i decided to get my butt off the couch and start mounting those posters on the boards, assemble everything needed for submission. it was going fine, actually, til dad came over curiously and started to study my posters.
i looked up, gave dad a smile and said, "that's your helmet i photographed! it used to be white and i made it orange."
dad hmmm-ed, 30 seconds later, he asked "helmet like that spell one meh?"
i froze in that blink-blink-blink pose you always see in cartoons; suddenly, the word "helmet" didn't seem quite right.
(it is spelt corrently in this post, but was actually "helmut" on my posters)
how could i have let this stupid mistake slip out?!? me, the one who can boast of reports not having a single grammatical or spelling error (except for ICM, lol), but spells helmet wrongly and not notice it despite staring at the posters for two days?!?!
i am losing my mind! i am so tired i cannot even notice glaring blunders i used to be able to spot with impressive alacrity (hah)!
i need a vacation (hint).
another one of my silly thoughts about my leaving for perth (again), i shall only tell you guys about the embarrassing ones. i mean, what's the fun in saying "i was thinking about how many sets of clean underwear i have to bring..."?
first it was the hairdryer incident, then on monday night i told my mum, "do you think they have Desperate Housewives in perth?"

oh dear! Waste of money right? Need to pay money to print right?
pwen, are you ok? o_O
Yep, Desperate Housewives is indeed showing in Perth, about 2 epsiodes or so behind Singapore though.
helmut is more like german rite? i could be wrong though...haha
Okayyyyy. Maybe you were tired so you didn't realise the mistake. I think it would have been worse if you stepped into Poh Kim at Century Square and read the word "release" on some of their tags without realising the mistake. The way they spell that word is really horrifying.