but 'l'amour des jeux' sounds so much cooler than 'back britain's bid'
3 Comments Published Wednesday, 6 July 2005, 10:40 pm

as of this moment the london 2012 website is swamped, but if you can get in, go watch their videos! download their screensavers! bask in their jubilation! buy their merchandise!
(now i can finally send in a self-addressed envelope in order to get their free car sticker and not feel weird if london loses)
come 2012, the world's greatest sporting event is going to be held at the home of sir elton john. some say he is more (in)famous than the queen herself.
personally i was rooting for paris, they had a stronger and neater presentation but alas, london's managed to pull ahead. a good job by all candidate cities nonetheless.
earlier on my mother lost her temper because there was no hot water left in the flask. the way i've said it, it seemed to be a matter too trifle to raise one's voice at. on the other hand, it is of common sense and natural thinking to refill a flask one has emptied, no?
i cart my own bottle of water around the house so i wasn't the one who dried the flask, it was my sister instead. this prompted mum to let loose a:
"just because you stay in the hostel, it doesn't mean you don't do housework!"
"i didn't say i won't do housework!"
"it's not about saying! it's about the way you behave!"
granted, the words exchanged were a little harsh, but i didn't felt any need to rush to my sister's defense. truth be told, she has become somewhat of a pig since she moved back home for the holidays, my friends know what i mean - garlic incident and all. i wonder what she's thinking at times.
well, yours truly here will let that be a lesson learnt. but if i were allowed to be smug here, i would never have acted like that anyway. :)
I was rooting for Paris too. I heard that Madrid votes went to UK, that's why?
Wow wee...my sister probably needs to learn a lesson or two too.
you can never guess what's going on in a 21-year old's mind!