Peiwen = Not a happy camper

My friends, it has not been a good week. I could not get the motivation to start on my last assignment! Though I live by huge faith that in time to come, words will flow but this is cutting it too close. So close I think that that HD (high distinction) might be out of my reach.

And work has been too boring and frustrating of late. Boring on Saturdays because I am all alone in the shop (I'm scared!) and we get about a total of 10 customers. 10 customers who will buy about 2 packets of bento boxes/sushi and leave me to peddle the rest on discount. Frustrating because my boss... sigh. Words fail me, but perhaps the phrase "blundering idiot" might fit him as best as my vocabulary can manage.

This evening I decided upon good o' fish & chips for dinner. Only to realise, when my food arrived, I had completely lost my appetite for the chips portion. So dinner was all but two colossal slices of snapper- Aussie style.

I think I should be worried or something that the only highlight of my week was hitting jackpot (read: blog-style gossip) while randomly browsing MySpace. My MySpace is utterly embarrassing. I have what, 6 friends (though one of them is JOHN MAYER). Of course it is due to MySpace being the bandwagon effect of Friendster, but I digress. And now I've lost my train of thought. But I am blogging again! Which is good, right?

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