questions questions

after churning out copious reports throughout my two-and-one-quarter years of diploma-hood, nevermind that those reports might not be very understandable, you'd think i should already know the answer to the life-suffering question:

is it "Content Page" or "Contents Page"?

truth is, i have no idea.

i've pondered upon that many many times. when deadlines loom we all wonder about the silliest things, then go with majority decision, even if it seems wrong. well, the majority can't be wrong. right?

and while we're still in today, let me tell you something embarrassing.
i was coming home on the train an hour ago, reading ellen degeneres's my point is... and i do have one but i was really napping. the book doesn't do much to hold my attention and i was really tired, degeneres's second book, the funny thing is..., is a great improvement though, go read it!

i guess at some point my grip on my point is... loosened and well, i dropped the book. the kind lady beside me tapped my arm and picked up the book for me, i must have looked really disorientated.

but this couple across me, however, started laughing, good heavens. maybe they were humour-starved or something, i dunno, but they were giggling too much for my comfort, y'know, the kind that leads to barfing. O_o

is it really that hilarious - dropping a book while you're napping? maybe it's a you-should-have-been-there situation but nobody else on the train were laughing.

oh well. it gave me an idea anyways. i'm thinking i have this flair for physical comedy if it comes so easily to me. i hear it's more lucrative than advertising too.

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