I've always wanted a pet fish, or two. But parental obstacles had prevented me from doing so (because I knocked over the fishbowl when I was younger and killed my goldfishes).
Now that I'm pretty sure I've lost about 99% of that embarrassing klutz kids inevitably seem to possess, I guess I'm just about ready to rear fishes again! And Post Modern Pets has delivered a brilliant Hanging Fish Pod, a goldfish bowl with a hemispheric shape that is made to hang on a wall.

Isn't it dandy? A mighty conversation piece too, if I do say so myself. Now I just need someone to get this for my birthday. :)
Now that I'm pretty sure I've lost about 99% of that embarrassing klutz kids inevitably seem to possess, I guess I'm just about ready to rear fishes again! And Post Modern Pets has delivered a brilliant Hanging Fish Pod, a goldfish bowl with a hemispheric shape that is made to hang on a wall.

Isn't it dandy? A mighty conversation piece too, if I do say so myself. Now I just need someone to get this for my birthday. :)
hihi, just dropping by your blog again. for some reason, people who chooses to study in aussie intrigues me :)
at any rate, while you are choosing your new places (your last entry says that you intend to move out) do keep in mind some stuff:
1) alot of housing agents are very snobby to students, whether you're local or otherwise. so find someone whom you're comfortable with because since they have a right to check on you without much notice, you might not want to find a mean person bright and early in the morning looking at you sleep.
2)always always check your contract through before you sign it up proper. me and my housemates and now having problems because of that.
3)housemates can be a pain in the arse, friends and strangers alike. try and voice yourself more often if they piss you off, like not cleaning up more la, and so on. my house mate and i came into this problem earlier on this year. after alot of screaming, things somehow fell into place =/ so hope u don't ever meet with that.
if you're lucky, you will actually meet your landlord and settle stuff direct, which is often better than relying on stupid agents :) well at least imo anyways.
fish wise, if ur going to go home for holidays, would it be a good idea to leave ur fish in other people's care? they would still be a little traumatise at change of environments.
:) take care
hey, thanks for visiting. I'm flattered. Thanks for ur advice about housing agents, will keep in mind about that.
Housemates-wise, I've kinda got that settled, a group of us in the Student Village who don't mind living off campus, so that's cool.
About the fish, well I haven't gotten the fish yet, so, hee, will see when the time comes. I've got to make space anyway. :)
That's something cool...but wouldn't you get worried about it dropping off the wall for some reason and your fish will get killed (again).