What happens when you say some things intentionally to throw a guy off the wooing path? You get him pissed. Then you wish you hadn't said anything at all.
I made him look like a fool during my "Hey I have something I wanna tell you" on msn last night. Everything I'd typed was with the (evil) purpose of getting him to give up; I had initially thought jetting away to Perth would cool things, but it's just taught me to never underestimate a desperate guy.
I am so screwed now.
Now I want to avoid him more than ever but he's doing the exact opposite. He keeps wanting to "find out the truth". Just what is it with you boys?

This is hostel sweet hostel guys. I have pretty nice housemates (I wasn't paid to say that). Despite that, I have about 70% made up my mind to move out come this summer. The student village's nice, but it's not home, y'know? Like those bathroom taps where you have to turn the hot water halfway, then turn the cold tap halfway to get a good temperature. Well, home is flicking the switch on the heater and turning a single tap to get hot water.
School started today. It was such a long vacation for me so adjusting's gonna take some time. I have to do Media Law & Ethics and Communication Research this semester. Phylis Peter and Ping are gonna be so proud, copyright laws and quantitative research all over again!
I made him look like a fool during my "Hey I have something I wanna tell you" on msn last night. Everything I'd typed was with the (evil) purpose of getting him to give up; I had initially thought jetting away to Perth would cool things, but it's just taught me to never underestimate a desperate guy.
I am so screwed now.
Now I want to avoid him more than ever but he's doing the exact opposite. He keeps wanting to "find out the truth". Just what is it with you boys?

This is hostel sweet hostel guys. I have pretty nice housemates (I wasn't paid to say that). Despite that, I have about 70% made up my mind to move out come this summer. The student village's nice, but it's not home, y'know? Like those bathroom taps where you have to turn the hot water halfway, then turn the cold tap halfway to get a good temperature. Well, home is flicking the switch on the heater and turning a single tap to get hot water.
School started today. It was such a long vacation for me so adjusting's gonna take some time. I have to do Media Law & Ethics and Communication Research this semester. Phylis Peter and Ping are gonna be so proud, copyright laws and quantitative research all over again!
all the best for college! term 2 has started in SP and it's supposedly test week. so I had my first paper. oh, bummer =/
nad: Us business folks never had test week, hehe, but good luck for yours! I'm sure u'll do great.
LOL! sorry cannot help laughing about the last para. WAHAHAHAHAHA~~!!! i'm sure Phylis & ping are gonna be sooo proud!
whoa, a guy huh....cellmate's awaiting your good news! kekekeke
Ahahahaha...who's the "unlucky" guy ar?
Yea...the irritating bathrooom taps. While staying in my mum's friend's apartment in Japan, they had that for their shower taps. Worst still, the hot water comes off and on and I thought exactly the same thing. Blardee hell, I can just turn on a single tap at home to get hot water.