On apples

OK, it's time for a new post before Perr and SY steal my limelight and take the birthday entry out of control. Gosh, you guys are good.

You know when you live away from your parents, it's not going to be one big party house. Of course there is the idea of the unmade bed, overdue laundry, microwave meals, floor so dirty you can't see the carpet, you get the idea. But (ahemanalahem) people like me think about things like eating my vegetables, getting the required intake of calcium and fibre, making my bed every morning, I do almost everything except vacuum the floor. I really am the responsible type, you know. Mum would be proud.

Ever been in those situations where you don't really want to do something but you do it anyway because you know it's good for you? Sort of like attending classes religiously. Or, for my case, buying apples when I really really hate apples. When I lived at home I would avoid eating apples if I could. Mum can take care of the health bit for me. But now, see, there are these moments at the supermarket when I think I really should stop eating pears and mandarins all the time (there aren't really other alternatives because it's wintertime). After futile attempts to trade my apples with my housemates - what do you know, they hate apples too - I found a recipe for apples that I liked. :-)

And yes, I'm going to share it with you. You don't even need to ask.

- Four apples
- Cinnamon sugar
- Sugar
- Lemon juice
- Butter or margarine

- Quarter the apples, marinade with 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Heat a non-stick frying pan with margarine. Cook the apples over medium heat
- Sprinkle 1 tsp cinnamon sugar, and 1 tsp sugar
- Cook till apples are soft, or to your liking
- Apples can be eaten warm or cold, served with ice cream

Enjoy! No pictures because I ate too fast.

And stop commenting on my previous entry!

2 Responses to “On apples”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    of coz we're good, so feel privilleged that you're our fren. kekeke :P

    of coz when u're away from family, there are things you hate to do but do anyway. haha! same here!! like cleaning the house. i'm forever cleaning the house, even in poly, remember?


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yeah of course we're good lah. And that was being quite nice le hor!

    Sorry I cldn't leave a comment earlier.. Busy lah..
    & Sorry my phone died the other day.. *whispers* The conversation was the happiest part of the day!  

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