Site stuff

Hey IE users (or anyone else), does my sidebar appear down at the bottom for you guys? Or do my two columns appear side-by-side? Let me know!

P.S. And while we're at that, you really should be using Firefox. ;-P

6 Responses to “Site stuff”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    down at the bottom. But I'm smart so I know to scroll dowm (^~^) kekeke I had Firefox but you know how it is with software that monopolises the WWW.

    I can't change to a mac cos I know I'll have problems finding programs. Esp photoshop and illustrator =/ And all the shops selling pirated stuff are all raided! *whoops*  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    im using the school's pc now and it's ie and it looks perfectly fine...  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    PS & AI softwares for mac... i think my ex-colleague has coz she is a mac user. haha

    go msia lar, pirated shops all over! whee~~


  4. # Blogger peiwen

    what's firefox got anything to do with a mac? :S

    well on my school PCs my sidebar goes down to the bottom as well, does anyone know how to fix that?  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hahaha oh yeah hor.

    Or maybe I just wanted to talk about Macs. Maybe Open source programs could work or smth..

    Depends on your template.. Perhaps you have to mess around with your widths for certain parts. Your template had sooo many (much, really considering how many) tags I was lazy to go through hehe  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    To answer your question: yes.  

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