it was to my thrill today when i drove the car and discovered "man i've still got it, even after three months of abstinence." =)
oh excuse my ego.
anyhow, spent the weekend at Wicker Park.

whoops, big picture there. sorry for anyone on dial-up.
it was a pretty sweet movie. starrs josh hartnett, diane kruger, rose bryne and matthew lillard, in case you haven't noticed that on the poster.
i shan't spoil it for anyone but the movie in brief is about a matthew simon (hartnett) putting a pause on his developing career and engagement to trail down the love of his life, lisa (kruger), whom he met, and then lost, two years ago.
throw in a sidekick in the form of luke (lillard) and accidental psycho alex/lisa (bryne) and you have a romantic and passionate tale made by hollywood.
i give it 3.5 stars.
hartnett delivers a convincing act here, not too difficult since the love of his life is played by kruger, whose fasinating visage launched a thousand ships and jumpstarted the biggest war humanity's ever had to deal with (if blur, watch Troy). i shall speak for 99 percent of earth's population and say that kruger is the embodiment of every female's ideals and fantasy of the weaker sex. haha. her performance i did not pay much attention to, but i suppose it wasn't too bad.
matthew lillard of scooby-doo fame (however dubious that sounds) plays the confidante every guy tormented by love must possess. he owns a shoe shop. he dates bryne's character, the psycho. enough said.
rose bryne is brave, that's all i'll comment. she bares all again in Wicker Park, this time to make love to hartnett's character. she's a goner, i swear. all her mainstream movies (troy and wicker park) i've seen involved her having sex. what will her parents think?
Wicker Park requires a brain to watch. not that i'm complainig but i certainly didn't expect this flick to be of such. it's a bit like Memento - confusing but not lost on the audience. so it's good, i guess. i started out frustrated because i could neither distinguish head nor tail so i decided to just go along with the hollywood assurance that everything will iron itself out in the end and i was right (yay!), the movie ended like any 90210 movie will end - happily ever after with 2.3 kids in tow.
i had decided on 3 stars, but added a last-minute .5 on the fact that they played coldplay's the scientist at the credits. i like coldplay, but not gwyneth paltrow.
oh excuse my ego.
anyhow, spent the weekend at Wicker Park.

whoops, big picture there. sorry for anyone on dial-up.
it was a pretty sweet movie. starrs josh hartnett, diane kruger, rose bryne and matthew lillard, in case you haven't noticed that on the poster.
i shan't spoil it for anyone but the movie in brief is about a matthew simon (hartnett) putting a pause on his developing career and engagement to trail down the love of his life, lisa (kruger), whom he met, and then lost, two years ago.
throw in a sidekick in the form of luke (lillard) and accidental psycho alex/lisa (bryne) and you have a romantic and passionate tale made by hollywood.
i give it 3.5 stars.
hartnett delivers a convincing act here, not too difficult since the love of his life is played by kruger, whose fasinating visage launched a thousand ships and jumpstarted the biggest war humanity's ever had to deal with (if blur, watch Troy). i shall speak for 99 percent of earth's population and say that kruger is the embodiment of every female's ideals and fantasy of the weaker sex. haha. her performance i did not pay much attention to, but i suppose it wasn't too bad.
matthew lillard of scooby-doo fame (however dubious that sounds) plays the confidante every guy tormented by love must possess. he owns a shoe shop. he dates bryne's character, the psycho. enough said.
rose bryne is brave, that's all i'll comment. she bares all again in Wicker Park, this time to make love to hartnett's character. she's a goner, i swear. all her mainstream movies (troy and wicker park) i've seen involved her having sex. what will her parents think?
Wicker Park requires a brain to watch. not that i'm complainig but i certainly didn't expect this flick to be of such. it's a bit like Memento - confusing but not lost on the audience. so it's good, i guess. i started out frustrated because i could neither distinguish head nor tail so i decided to just go along with the hollywood assurance that everything will iron itself out in the end and i was right (yay!), the movie ended like any 90210 movie will end - happily ever after with 2.3 kids in tow.
i had decided on 3 stars, but added a last-minute .5 on the fact that they played coldplay's the scientist at the credits. i like coldplay, but not gwyneth paltrow.
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