Spring! Spring! Wherefore art thou, Spring?

I hope spring, the most romantic of all seasons, is finally here. Today was an unusually warm day. Well yeah of course Singapore is where warm is, but on Perth terms, today was warm. A light jacket sufficed, though it did felt like the wind could blow me away. Now wouldn't that be something.

Every week in documentary film lecture we get screenings of pre-selected docos which were related to what that particular lecture topic was about. Anyhow, that's not the main point. Thing is, at each screening, students like me and them like to munch on something. It's this whole couch potato syndrome, y'know?

Funny thing is, if this were to happen at the lecture theatres of my old poly, rats and cockroaches would have had nice little nests there by now. In short, Australians clean up after themselves, Singaporeans don't.


Well it's true isn't it? Right now, food and drinks are banned inside SP's lecture theatres, theoretically speaking. We all know nobody ever follow the rules. So why is it that a place where food and drinks is banned yields more food leftovers than at a place where food and drinks are accepted with opened arms, sometimes with opened mouths?

Funny, ain't it.

5 Responses to “Spring! Spring! Wherefore art thou, Spring?”

  1. # Blogger Fei

    Documentary film lecture? Are you a film student now?


  2. # Blogger peiwen

    Eileen: hi, how're u doing. No i'm not a film student, my documentary class is an elective.

    hungry bunny: red chamber! talk about retro!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Wah...go to lecture can openly munch on stuff some more. Haiz...Singaporeans will NEVER get that kind of "privilege" coz they don't know how to clean up after themselves.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hahaha... spring coming on eh? Very soon the big fat flies will come and say hello to you.. they are so slow and stupid u can smack them down easily!
    Miss ya loads!  

  5. # Blogger Fei

    Oic! Should be fun =) enjoy~  

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