At the train station where you alight if you want to go to Ikea, I spotted this pair of legs out of nowhere.

Cool huh. Supposed to fit one's arse on it, though I didn't dare try. They were just sitting there in the middle of the platform, with no accompanying plague or perhaps another pair of female legs. Very very interesting.
Over the weekend I was slogging away in the computer labs when I looked up from the iMac's screen to notice the oddly familiar colour at the back of the classroom.

Yeah, it looks familiar, just needs an iPodified figure to go along with it.

Cool huh. Supposed to fit one's arse on it, though I didn't dare try. They were just sitting there in the middle of the platform, with no accompanying plague or perhaps another pair of female legs. Very very interesting.
Over the weekend I was slogging away in the computer labs when I looked up from the iMac's screen to notice the oddly familiar colour at the back of the classroom.

Yeah, it looks familiar, just needs an iPodified figure to go along with it.
Omg...that thingy's so freaky. Can you imagine seeing that at night?
As for your computer lab, maybe you go do some "stunt" or ask your friend to jump up or something, take a photo then go photoshop it. Cheap thrill lahz...
Can't tell whether those legs are furniture or art? Interesting.