Since a previous post about cheating on train fares, it seems like Perth's transit guards read my post and have decided to come out in fuller-than-full force to well, to be embarrassingly honest, to catch people like me.

I'll have you know that I am scared shitless indeed and now I pay for all my train rides. There is nothing more humiliating than being caught by a transit guard for not having paid your fare. More humiliating than falling in public.

Anyhow, this daylight savings thing really is getting to me. I'm posting this at 8pm but take a look out the window and it's like this:


It really disrupts your body clock. Having gotten used to eating dinner when it's dark, I now go "What should I have for dinner?" only to realise, dammit, it's already 8! There is no time to cook because the OC starts in half an hour!

Oh. Oh, you know I don't really watch the OC... it's just kinda like an example, you know? ;-P

2 Responses to “”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    somehow you always get trapped in situations like this..

    omg the let's-be-psuedo-emo-together OC. I'm having serious doubts about you now....  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    cut me some slack, it's the holidays and adam brody is cute.  

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