
Hurrah to one-word titles. Saves me heaps of time thinking of clever euphemisms.

I had a job interview circa two weeks ago, and I figured now might be a save time to blog about it. Objectively, two weeks might also be presented as an appropriate amount of cooling-off period so I do not look like I am ranting my brains out. Of course, what is my blog but for me to spew mindless tirades, so I'll have you know, my horoscope - and hence my disposition - is one of objectivity and fairness.

(Means Libra lah)


Miscommunication on the first part led to a rocky start. I take full blame for this. She said her name was A, I heard it as B (which sounds very similar to A), when I called to confirm my interview, "Hi B, I'm calling to confirm...", A did not correct me. I'll leave it to her not hearing it, you know mobile phones to not be entirely dependable.

My arrival at the office asking for B of course initiated my downfall. An employee overheard my name mistake and gave me this look- like I should bury myself six feet under for committing such a dreadful faux pas. Indeed, I should have but it was a honest mistake, one that was quite easily solved, if I do say so myself. Still, that look was completely uncalled for, not to mention low-class.

Of course I didn't have a good interview. Looking at the signs, I should have cabot as fast as my two-inch pumps could take me. Someone who was allegedly the AD came out to meet me and oh my, apparently she doesn't believe in grooming. She looked like a bloody factory worker. No makeup, sloppy dressing, snobby attitude, etc. etc. Here I am, an earnest fresh grad looking for an entry-level position in your esteemed company and you come interview me in your bloody pyjamas? It's worse than me getting your name wrong!

Nothing spells "thanks for your time but we're actually not looking to hire at the moment" than a heck-care attitude towards interviewees. I felt like all I did was provide some sort of comic service that would occupy a month's worth of lunchtime conversation.

Well rot in media hell you stupid cow. I hope I never have to see your faux-elite face again.

2 Responses to “Rant”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    wish that you'd see her face again. on the condition that you're governing her.


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Even then, I'll pass. :S  

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