There is nothing to be proud about one's sexual orientation, it is simply a way of life. Of course I think that it is unseemly and harsh when gay people are put down merely because they happened to be gay, but is there a need to retaliate with your pride movements? Why make life harder when life is supposed to be simple?
I'm not going to touch on the censorship issue, just because I think it is a matter of maturity and a creativity-deficit, not to mention a certain aspirational (read: wannabe) mentality - which I'm not ruling myself out of - that Singaporeans seem to possess but will never admit to. You really think the grass is greener on the other side?
(Article: TODAY, 5 October 2007, Pg 8)
I don't agree... If people never fought for their rights, we might still be living in the environments much like the Dark Ages or when women still couldn't study. 'Pride' is used here to show that they are unwilling to hide amongst the people because of social norms. It's not like a "HAHA I'm driving a Ferrari and you're not~~" kinda proud.
Well the pride comes from being despised by straight people so I do understand their reaction, though I do think being proud isn't really helping their position but it IS helping a lot of gay people come out.
Well, as they say, there are strength in numbers~