... Hope he sees me through til the end."
(Better Days, by Pete Murray)
The thought of not spending Christmas at home sends me into a bit of a melancholic mood. Everyone's is packing up to be home over summer vacation and I'm packing to go up north for harvesting work. Of all the significant decisions I've made over my two decades, I sure hope this is the right one.
Anyhow, on a lighter note, we were at Morish Nuts a couple of days ago and chanced upon Claisebrook Village, a quiet residential area that's so beautiful and typically English it makes you want to get up and move there RIGHT NOW.

It's like a more upscale version of Boat Quay. Excellent, huh. If I could comfortably afford the estimated $1000 per week rent I am so moving there.
(Better Days, by Pete Murray)
The thought of not spending Christmas at home sends me into a bit of a melancholic mood. Everyone's is packing up to be home over summer vacation and I'm packing to go up north for harvesting work. Of all the significant decisions I've made over my two decades, I sure hope this is the right one.
Anyhow, on a lighter note, we were at Morish Nuts a couple of days ago and chanced upon Claisebrook Village, a quiet residential area that's so beautiful and typically English it makes you want to get up and move there RIGHT NOW.

It's like a more upscale version of Boat Quay. Excellent, huh. If I could comfortably afford the estimated $1000 per week rent I am so moving there.
hahaha! well it's a different experience harvesting. :)
take tonnes of pics for us, ok? will be awaiting your return in airport. *grin*