We bought a carton of diet coke (30 cans), mine presumably to see me through late nights studying for that one paper yours truly has to sit for. Mum won't give an approving nod at this, but Mum doesn't have to know...
Anyhow, after Tuesday, 15 November 2005, I shall be a free soul. One exam paper that's only a hundred and forty five multiple choice questions, I shit you not. I've never evar sat for a paper that's 145 MCQs. Is it an Australian thing? You know what's the best part? We've been given answers to 35 of those questions. Again, I shit you not. The Psychology people really want their students to pass.
Other than that, nothing's been up. We went to dinner at an Indian restaurant overlooking the jetty and Swan River and it's buffet style with a eat-all-you-can, pay-all-you-want idea. Don't understand? Eat. All. You. Can. Pay. All. You. Want. My dinner of two helpings (chapati... curry... curry... curry... sorry I don't really know Indian cuisine) was AUD5.00 because that was all I wanted to pay. So it could be 20 cents or 50 dollars, you decide. Great place to go if one has to treat a whole bunch of friends.
WHOA! 145 MCQs! i'd prob fall asleep. yes, true. last time in sec sch, 60 MCQs, i fell asleep doing.
the eat-all-you-can-pay-all-you-want idea is grrrrrrreat! wish they implemented in singapore!
actually they do have it in s'pore... tt's what i heard the fella said. :S
the restaurant's name is annalakshmi (or something like that).
yeah I've been there~
Peninsula Plaza
eh we go there when u come back? but dowant indian food....*BOMB!*