I'm pretty much done with Winter now! I want Spring! Winter sucks when I want to take showers at 2am, pre-dinner strolls, long chats in the lounge with my door opened, eat ice cream.........
Well of course, I could have an earlier shower, stroll inside my house, not open my doors or eat ice cream but one has to enjoy life right? ;) According to cellmate, life is short. If I'm going to die of cancer, I might as well do things I enjoy (like skydiving at 14,000 feet)!
My first semester's coming to an end faster than I would have liked. People (German and Australian) are moving out, people (Malaysian, Kenyan and Hong Kong-er) are going home for the summer. Only people like me stay alone in a foreign country, spending Christmas and the New Year - seasons of family and love - away from family.
We're looking for a farm job. Some apple-picking, or vine trimming, perhaps a little country pub. I hear they pay you tons. Reckon it would be quite the experience to share over Chinese New Year in my renewed cantonese with relatives who will pay attention.
The cooking skills have improved. Fried potatoes, udon, spaghetti, soups, and recently, jelly and pancakes. Next stop: cheesecake. The ones from those ready-made packets of course, in time for my upcoming 20th, because mum said so.
"Your birthday coming you know?"
"Of course I know!"
"Are you going to celebrate it? Did you tell your friends about it?"
"I don't know... Do you expect me to announce it or something?"
"Buy a cake and share lah."
"Maybe I'll bake one. Cheesecake sounds good."
I can't believe I'm only 20. I feel like 25. The 19-year-old neighbour in the village feels like a sweet 16 to me even though she should feel more like a contemporary. Tsk. I should start acting my age. :S
why u feel so old? tsk tsk!
and cheesecake for your b'day? perhaps spare your friends the agony. it's more convenient to buy a cake and celebrate lar. :P (u wana dig my eyes out is it?)
you can just tell your friends, "hey this fri's my bday. let's go [somewhere] to celebrate." being thick-skinned is good at times. :) btw, we'll be celebrating for you over in singapore. :) just that we're back to old habit: yet to determine place.
p/s: i tink i also said life life to da fullest man!!!! muahahahah
haiz girl. i miss u..turning 20 alone ain't fun.[ok even though that technically happens] but yeah not celebrating with u..
ooh be thick skinned & tell ppl that it's your birthday..
~ soffie
That thought occurred to me 15 years ago. Heard of this little town call Brisbane? Lucky I was there for a short 12 months. Jamie Oliver the chef/cook? Why? Good luck to your job hunting.