On life, part I

Let's start a new god-know-how-many-parts-there-will-be series shall we? much like the killer glares and paiseh moments.

This is the serious side of this author coming out, for real. Today I had to sit through seven (seven!!!) horrible student presenters during Media & Nation lecture.

"Media & Nation? Whose nation?"
"Australia lah. It's a crap module, I know."

Anyways, I had my own presentation two week ago and although it was nothing fantastic, nothing that would earn any of that Best Individual Presenter shite, but still a-ok, y'know? So there were these students who just stood there in front of the entire lecture group and read off their papers, not once did their take their eyes off those damn papers and sweep a glance at the naked audience. Sheesh!

If that wasn't bad enough, you have these students (I hope) who look like those lager-guzzling g'day-mate types, those who look like they're pregnant, males too, with their beer bellies, those whose Aussie accents are soooooo bloody thick, I feel like they're teaching me how to milk cows instead. Sheesh!

Then there's those people? You know? They sound like they're asking questions? Instead of speaking in proper sentences? You know? They end their sentences with an upper tone? Instead of going down? Which is what people usually do when they reach a full-stop? Savvy? Sheesh?

The houseflies are becoming a problem. A huge problem. I've never seen such persistance. I can walk the length of ten football fields, swiping at them every ten steps, but they still stick to you. And they love kissing you on the lips, your hair, your eyes, your cheeks, face area, generally. The particular area you particularly do not want them. It drives me crazy.

4 Responses to “On life, part I”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    whahahaha!!! u reached the houseflies stage!!! good luck man... they are fat and slow and stupid. hit as many as u can!  

  2. # Blogger peiwen

    I'm no housefly killer... and it's not even summer yet. Argh.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    tsk tsk tsk. u sound grumpy. auntie came to visit? :P


  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Woohoo! Wait till you hit summer. Haha...worse...beware...be afraid, be very afraid...  

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