Accident in the household

Bec has been talking more lately. God knows why. The rest of the house, save for three girls, hardly ever communicate with me. Oh wait. If there are six of us, bec plus three equals... one housemate left. So it's just one of them I hardly talk to. And that's the german. But she's awfully smiley though, shrugs.

Anyhow, Bec sprained her ankle today, during her exam. Sucks, doesn't it. She's got another exam for ballet on friday and God knows how she's going to get through that.

But you know what's funny? When I got home today, she was sitting at the dining table talking to her friend who, I suppose, helped her home. Her feet was propped up on the table, with her ankle resting on her frozen bag of peas. That's right. Peas. To a person who didn't know what was going on, it just seemed... weird. Like, why is she treating her vegetables this way? And why doesn't her friend say anything?

It wasn't until her friend left and she stood up to cook dinner that I saw her limping. So the whole story came out, which led to:

"Do you need ice? Cos you can take mine if you want, instead of using peas, you know."
"Cos the bag of peas is soft. It moulds to your ankle."
"But it's food, are you gonna eat your peas afterward?"
"Yeah. It's not like I took it out of its packet."
"True. But-"
"Well I'm eating it."

So that shut me up. As long as she's not feeding me those peas, I'm fine, anything goes. :)

After dinner she came out - apparently didn't believe in keeping one's weight off a sprained ankle - and hauled her whole carton of pepsi into her room. That's about 30 cans, give or take. I nearly nearly nearly said "Bec, surely you can live without pepsi for one night?!" But then I thought, the girl's in pain right now, give her a break, so I offered help instead. See, I'm human, in a way.

4 Responses to “Accident in the household”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous


    You ass.  

  2. # Blogger peiwen

    What ass?!? I'm nice to Bec now, turns out she tore two ligaments, not sprain. So yeah, I'll just wait til she gets better.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    i've heard of ppl using peas for tt purpose. but i tink is true, like she said, not that she took it out of packet. so it's still clean.

    besides, u don't know what was on the packet of peas before they reach consumers...

    deja vu~"I'm hygenic, just that i'm not neat" (something like that, right?) hehe


  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If you didn't have that "nearly nearly nearly said that" moment, you are not called Peiwen anymore. Haha...

    Ok deserve a pat on the back for helping her. Happy?  

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