Still making re-adjustments and wishing the family helped

I just realised today that our prominent local newspaper, The Straits Times, only takes a single day of vacation in an entire year. That lucky day happens to be Christmas.

I just think it is odd that journalists have chosen to take every December 25th off. Christmas is afterall a Christian holiday. Wouldn't having New Year's Day off be more apropos? Then everyone gets to celebrate their year of hard work with toasts to deadlines past, future and present.


Today's title says "Still making re-adjustments and wishing the family helped". Here're four scenarios which, I hope, will aptly explain myself.

Scenario 1:

Mum was working some excel charts for work but unfortunately she ran into some problems concerning her source data and page breaks. It was only half past ten at night but I was lying on my bed with my eyes closed, purportedly asleep. My sister was in the living room doing something only God would have knowledge of. Of all people, Mum came running into my bedroom, shook me from my purported sleep, and dragged me to the PC demanding I solve her problems. No apologies whatsoever.

Scenario 2:

My sister complained of an extremely stiff neck. Again, I was on the verge of reaching the state commonly known as deep sleep and the time was quarter to 12, or thereabout. Mum said, Go wake your sister and ask her to rub the ointment for you. My sister, being an idiot herself, heeded my Mum's good intentions and came into my bedroom, turned on the lights, and repeated Mum's request to me, in my almost-asleep condition. No apologies whatsoever.

Scenario 3:

This took place in Perth, around the time where my thousand and one deadlines hovered. The lack of inspiration combined with fatigue from staying up late a previous night led me to taking a nap at nine that evening. The phone in the lounge jolted me for a bit but I managed to ignore it, but it turned out to be for me so my housemate knocked on my door. When it had been obvious I was asleep, she apologised profusely.

Scenario 4:

I was lying on my bed during a dull moment in the book I was reading when Mum called for me to close the door as my parents were going out. I got up halfway but heard Dad said Nevermind lah, she's sleeping. I get up anyway because I, for once, wasn't sleeping.

See the difference, guys? I simply cannot understand why my Mother considers it a-ok for me to be interrupted in sleep or work just so I can attend to her inane (at times) favours. Fuck, Mom, surely you can see that I am asleep and thus, not able to help you? And the lack of apologies! How very atrocious.

3 Responses to “Still making re-adjustments and wishing the family helped”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    whoa! that's ....... (you know what that means).

    think scenario 2's a little overboard, ain't it?


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    your mum sounds like both my parents (unfortunately or fortunately, it quite depends on whose side you are on) and the sad (or cheery) thing about it all is that it's part and parcel of our "filial piety" that we owe them, the gospel according to our parents.

    maybe one day, i will be able to play dead fully without reacting to any tickling (yes they resort to tickling too, and i am hyper sensitive) and then they had turn to someone else.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Maybe it's because first there's all that hype.. Shopping and wrapping, tree-wrapping.. Then the abundance of day offs for the 'normal' people. Plus you get to open presents during Christmas and then there are 11 more days of Christmas..

    New Year kinda throws you back into the routine 9-5 work day. Like how I have to get to school in another... 1 hour.

    New Year? Very uncool! *wags finger*  

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