On choice

I asked my housemate for a postage stamp yesterday and she gave me this one from a cute zodiac series that I was almost too embarrased to stick on my envelope. I reckon stamps probably, in some minute way, say something about one's personality. Like I wouldn't be caught dead using my housemate's stamps if I had a choice. I know they're just stamps, so this is just my problem, ok.

Anyhow, I skipped the latter part of lecture today. Sometimes it just is obvious the lecturer is not going to give you anything more than what's provided in the notes. See, there are different types of lecturers: good ones, and those who are totally shit. Some good ones are good only in lectures and suck at tutorials, while others are boring in large groups. I'm sure we've met all kinds.

Unis here are a bit different than the ones back home, I reckon. Like heaps of students can leave when the lecturer is talking and no one gives a hoot. Someone once left a tutorial forty minutes early, giving "My parking's up" as an excuse and the tutor graciously let her leave. When I was studying back home, no matter how boring Chong's lecture got, if I left, I'd probably be in trouble. :S

You know it's somewhat disappointing the kind of attitudes Singaporean students have towards education. Every student probably have dreamt of being somewhere else instead of attending lessons, but hey, students here don't see the need to gossip (loudly) or send 1001 smses just because they're bored! Actually Australian students doodle a lot when they're not paying attention, but at least doodling makes it seem like you're copying notes eh, and doodling's a quiet activity. Oh I dunno. I don't want to be putting down what I am a part of, but it really is easier to appreciate things here. Food for thought.

6 Responses to “On choice”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    there's also the mindset behind those choices: alot of these uni students are on hecs, and pretty much support themselves after high school. so to them, if they don't pay attention or hand in stuff on time, not attend classes at all, they start feeling the pinch as well, because they know that the debt they eventually do settle is out of their own pockets.

    singaporeans on the other hand, there are a few that recognises the money input there, but few fully grasp the concept of fully uitilising the money.

    generalising but that's how i felt from my own education back home.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    if u leave during chong's lecture, you'd get into trouble with fy, not chong. ;)


  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hahaha... his lectures are NOT boring... :p  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    fy, to you NOT boring. but not all of us are like you. haha


  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hmph... no leh, it's not just me who feels this way.. ask nashrin, she says his lectures are the only ones that she won't fall asleep in ! (ask the rest of dmc04...)  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    ....... if you say so.


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