Discomfort zone

Due to the scrap my Honda suffered, and coupled with a vehicle licence renewal, my Honda had to be scraped. I now have a little Ford Laser which I hope I will have no problems with.

I have this thing where I'm searching for parking lots and if there's a free lot on the left, I go in head first, if the empty lot is to my right, I reverse in. It's not a matter of choice, it's competence. I cannot reverse if the lot is to my left, and I don't do too well going in head first on the right side.

So I'm doing this thing where I'm putting myself out of my comfort zone and make myself reverse into the left lot, and go straight in on the right lot. Confused yet? Let's hope I don't get any more bumps.

1 Responses to “Discomfort zone”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    i always go in heads first coz my reverse skill cannot make it.

    a simple reverse saw me scraping off a mercedes, sighs.


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