Twenty-something too

19... 20...

Ohh... what's next?

(Photo taken from Getty Images)

5 Responses to “Twenty-something too”

  1. # Blogger annabelle

    21 is next! happy birthday!! *hugs*  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    happy burp day dearie!!!! Hope u'll haf a great year!!!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    happy birthday pwen (:  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    19... 20... what's next? 21 lor! Happsie Burpday and enjoy adulthood, k? throw away your child in you. hee


  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Already wished you on my blog and by sms...but let me do it again...

    HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY! *whispers* to the dear sarcastic one.


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