Otherwise known as "Your Average Christmas Movie"

Jude Law & Cameron Diaz in The Holiday

Every Christmas we get a movie that is chock full of all the warmth and love that kind of defines the holiday spirit. Remember Love Actually? About a Boy? Movies that make you leave the cinema smiling, unless you happen to have testicles. You cannot possibly be male and like this year's feel-good holiday movie, unimaginatively titled The Holiday.

Essentially two stories about the two leading ladies who do a home exchange after having their heart broken by the men in their lives. Tsk. One's an awfully predictable tale about falling in love when you didn't think you could possibly handle another relationship, and the other about falling in love in the most unexpected places.

Of course I liked The Holiday. I'm a girl. But really, The Holiday is really just one of the numerous bland chick flicks that girls like to watch, preferably with their BFFs (Best Female Friends).

So leave your brains at the door and enjoy The Holiday in the spirit of the season. In the meantime, I will go back to hitting myself on the head for having chose this Christmas offering over the latest Bond film.

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