Hello, Westralia

Travelling on a plane alone is certainly liberating. No one notices you and you're free to roam the plane as you wish. I went straight up to Business class (they don't allow you through First class) and admired their seats, took pictures from both sides of the plane, requested for playing cards, and took pictures of the air people. Very nice.

Perth offers an amazing view from the top. Even better than Google Earth. Very nice if you'd just stepped out from the toilet doing Mile High Club things and clear blue waters and white sandy coastlines greeted you. :)

I have nice housemates. Took us a while to get used to each other but at least we're talking like civil people now. We have three newbies in our house - two dancers and one doing fashion design. All Australians. A lot of dancers and other WAAPA students have joined the village this semester actually, so it's somewhat overwhelming, especially the dancers because we simply cannot tell them apart. To be honest I cannot recognise my housemates should I meet them outside our house. Oh but the fashion designer put her television (flatscreen leh!) in the lounge so we have a communal tv now. Heh heh.

The weather is so fucking hot. 39 degrees and going to continue for about two more months. Help.

1 Responses to “Hello, Westralia”

  1. # Blogger the devil herself

    hur! flatscreen?! fly me there!!!  

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