"I wish I knew how to quit you"

I watched Brokeback Mountain this week. Legally. I wasn't even asked for my ID. Definitely score points for Australia, heh.

I'm not gonna talk about Brokeback. Not because I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone but because there isn't anything to talk about that wasn't already mentioned somewhere. I am gonna say one thing though: it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. To be honest, it was a bit boring. Perhaps I expected too much - as usual - due to all that hype. Sigh.

Anyhow, it sucks having to get used to living on my own again. I hated going home last December because I was starting to enjoy Perth quite a bit (imagine that!) and then I got used to living at home with the parents and now I have to adjust again! Argh.

Plus, having to get used to the new housemates (3 of them) and picking up their mess really gets on your nerves after a while. You think when people see a clean house they would try to keep it that way but apparently, I thought wrong. These girls have no regard for their communal environment and oh, you should see their room. Let's just say "messy" is an understatement. I can't understand why they are fine with piles of worn (I think) clothes just sitting on their beds when they've got an empty laundry basket.

1 Responses to “"I wish I knew how to quit you"”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    luckily i skipped brokeback. wanted 2 watch last week bt wrong timing.

    it's like that, just when u're getting used to Situation A, u get switched back to B and vice versa.

    as for housemate, wah! i totally understand. u haven't come across one that has things ALL over the room and when i go in, she just push everything under her quilt cover. -_-


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