One down

An hour ago this author was trying to relax in the patient's chair of the dental clinic, while the dentist loomed over her, trying to force her wisdom tooth out.

Truth be told I haven't had a tooth extraction since I was 8. Even then, that tooth fell out by itself. So of course I was a bit nervous considering my wisdom tooth was nowhere near ready to fall out.

But it's all a bit overrated isn't it. Or maybe my nerves made me nervous. There really isn't much to it, besides the sting I felt when the dentist injected the anaesthesia and the pressure when he was trying to push the tooth out. It all sounds very frightening, especially the thumb-twiddling period where we waited for the numbness to set in.

So I got a good look at the little bloody thingamajig and thought for a moment how much of a shock factor it would be to just leave it in unexpected places around the house. On the other hand I am not five anymore so let's just leave it eh. I don't reckon Mum would appreciate it.

And then of course I had to be caught in the rain so the nurse kindly lent me this spare umbrella. I nearly declined, because the umbrella was just so ugly, you know,

but for someone who has had to see the inside of my mouth for the past 15 years, it really was extremely magnanimous of her. I just couldn't walk away. :)

2 Responses to “One down”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    it sure is ugly fugly!!!


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    OUCH! im surprised it didnt hurt. not that i want it to... ;] tot having ur wisdom tooth extract is similiar to surgery...  

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